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Prosoria Customer Stories

This picture belongs to a wonderful woman I have come to know, admire and have come to call a member of my psofamily. Her name is Christy Gephardt. Her statement about Prosoria is as follows: "I have been on Prosoria now for 4 months. I really Love this Prosoria because it works! I love that it is Natural and easy as 1,2,3. I am now 50% clearer."

Another wonderful woman whom I have come to know, admire and a part of my psofamily Cheryl Gentile had this to say about Prosoria: "For several years I have tried so many different products for psoriasis on my hands nothing had worked. When I heard about Prosoria I thought I would give it a try. The best part is that Prosoria has cleared up the redness, scaling and splitting I was having on my palms and fingers. It's easy to apply and not sticky or oily like some of the other products I have tried. I really like that Prosoria is steriod free and fragrance free."

The third statement comes from another psofamily member who is such an inspiration to me. Melissa Withem-Voss is a widowed mother of three teenage children. She has had every form of psoriasis which includes plaque, guttate, palmoplanter, inverse and eurythodermic psoriasis. Her statement of Prosoria is as follows: "Prosoria has made my life less complicated! As a busy Chef, student, and mother I have loved the ease of application that Prosoria offers. My skin is moisturized and soft. My skin irarely flakes between my biologics! Thanks Prosoria!"

As to my own feelings and statement about Prosoria, I love this product. Not only did I use it on my plaque psoriasis I also used it on my inverse psoriasis. I should mention that with using it on my inverse psoriasis that I only used the first two products. If you try it on your inverse that is what you would need to do also-only use the first two products the gels. For plaque or guttate psoriasis use all three. Prosoria is a wonderful product. Compared to other treatments the time used to apply Prosoria is so much less. Not only that but it covers a wide area. It is wonderful that it is steroid free so I do not have to worry about long-term effects. I also love the fact that it is only applied once a day. It has helped to clear the plaque psoriasis and totally cleared the inverse. You will not regret trying this product. If you are interested in Prosoria go to their website at

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